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[Résolu] [Conky Manager] Impossible d'importer un thème


Posted (edited)



je rencontre un petit problème avec Conky Manager : je n'arrive pas à importer le thème Super Conky Package.

Je le télécharge et ouvre CM et je vais dans Options puis Import... mais là l'archive 7z n'y est pas.


Merci d'avance !

Edited by Nikos

2 answers to this question

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en ouvrant l'archive du pack de thème conky, tu as un Readme qui explique tout, je colle le ici :



Install Conky Manager in Ubuntu


sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install conky-manager


or go to website for more info




Also install this as-well *********


sudo apt-get install conky-all lm-sensors hddtemp


Now press Ctrl H together to see hidden files.


Copy folders .conky & .Conky & .fonts into home folder


Now go conky-manager folder in home and open and you will see a folder called themes. Now open and you will also some pre-installed themes already. please leave this folder open


In my super conky pack there is a folder called Themes now open and copy all the themes and put into conky-manager folded under themes. ( do not copy folder just files into folder.)


now open conky manager and refresh the list and you should see the list with all the great cool conky.


Please Note not all conkys will work on some systems.2 core computers will not be able to load 4 core conkys.


***** Most Conky Configs are for gnome works great Cinnamon will need to make some mods to work properly Unity. *****


Enjoy guys Put together by me , Jesse Avalos


Joyeuse customisation pour tes/ton conky.


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Posted (edited)

Ah merci je n'y avais même pas fait attention.

Je regarde ça tout de suite.


EDIT: Ca marche maintenant ! Merci :)

Edited by Huluti

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